frequently asked questions

what is your cancellation policy?

Our therapists are busy and sometimes have waiting lists. As such, some appointments are held with a credit card. Please allow a minimum of 24 hours advance notice to either cancel or change your appt. Failure to do so will result in payment charged for your missed appointment. We appreciate your understanding.

what is contraindicated for services?


*Not all massage modalities are recommended during the 1st trimester 
*Not everyone is a candidate for deep tissue massage
*Please disclose all health related issues to your therapist. Your information  is strictly confidential.


*Stop use of Retina-a and AHA products one week prior to all skin care services, including waxing
*Use of certain blood thinners are contraindicated for most waxing services
* Please make sure cold sores are fully healed prior to all facial skin care services

do you take walk-ins?

We are an Appointment Only spa. However, we do host special events which can be viewed on our "Events" page. Events that are open to the public will be noted as such.  We ask that patrons please reserve their place in yoga classes as space is limited.  

Events and Yoga classes are viewable on our "Events" page. 

how do I book multiple appointments?

If you would like to book multiple appointments, please call and/or email us directly and we will assist you.  The same applies to multiple people seeking multiple appointments. For hosting of larger parties seeking multiple services (Example: Special events such as Birthdays, Bachelorette parties, etc) we ask for plenty of advance notice. Private parties also require a deposit. 

How long are gift certificates valid?

Gift Certificates are valid for one year unless otherwise stated. 

Is salty sisters close to the beach?

It sure is! After all, Chincoteague is an island on the Eastern Shore. Assateague National Seashore (part of the National Park Service) is accessible from Chincoteague Island as well as the Maryland coast.  Please visit The Chincoteague Chamber of Commerce for local business info. For the Chincoteague end of Assateague National Park visit The Fish and Wildlife Service and/or The Assateague Island National Seashore for tons of information about our beautiful island parks. 

What is Reiki?

Reiki, (pronounced "ray-key") is a Japanese word meaning "universal life energy". The gentle yet effective treatment is administered by the hands being lightly placed on the client's clothed body.  The healing energy is subtle, is non-invasive, and helps stimulate one's own unique energy flow. Benefits include reduction in stress, release of pain/discomfort, relaxation, and awareness.  

more info about our yoga classes:

Gentle Yoga Flow class at Salty Sisters: This one hour class mixes gentle movement and stretches with restorative postures. Students begin with a gentle yoga flow featuring postures that warm up the muscular system and establish breath patterns. Longer-held, passive restorative postures at the end of class allow time for relaxation and contemplation. The option for hands on assists in the form of gentle massage and cool towel for savasana is available. The class informs students of different breathing techniques that can help calm the nervous system, and the flow of postures allows students to improve strength and flexibility. Sign up on our Events page. 

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